What is Competency Management?
The oilfield is a unique industry. Oil and Gas is produced by using manpower in conjunction with a variety of processes, procedures and equipment; much of which can be inherently dangerous. For an organization to be successful, it must properly identify the skillsets required to safely operate the company assets. But just identifying skillsets and providing training isn’t enough. To be successful, operators must be proven competent to do their job safely and effectively. This is where Axis fits in. Axis has taken a very focused approach on capturing measurable evidence of competency through an interactive toolset designed specifically for the Oil and Gas industry.
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Step 1 : Align
Serving as the foundation for a thorough competency program, a comprehensive needs analysis ensures alignment by all Company stakeholders. This step is especially important when dealing with multiple departments in an organization (ie. Production, Operations, Safety, Compliance, etc.) who may have overlapping initiatives affecting Competency. To streamline the Job Profile development, a reconciliation of duties across job titles is time well spent!
Standard Axis process for establishing a competency baseline:
Review of available drawings and equipment lists
Review of available company policy and regulations
Review of job requirements per job title, per region
Site visits to verify findings and conduct interviews where applicable (i.e. which job titles work on what equipment, per region)
Step 2: Build YOUR Job Profiles
Once Company departments and business units are aligned, Axis can then tailor standard job profiles to fit YOUR organization. This gives you custom job profiles without starting from scratch.
Axis-developed job profiles will consider the following:
Regulatory competencies required
Equipment competencies required
Procedure competencies required
Soft-skills competencies required
Means for Job profile reporting, comparison and progression maps
Means for remediation
Job profiles are built with Core Competencies, Grouping, Tasks, Performances, Knowledges and Criticality. This method is to ensure that both understanding, and demonstration elements are addressed during a Field Assessment in a fair and objective manner.
Step 3 : Assess
Departments are aligned, Job Profiles are developed… now it’s time to assess. This is where the Axis approach to competency empowers your organization. Leveraging our database of finite oilfield tasks with measurable assessment elements, field assessors will be able to measure competency in an easy to use, very granular manner.
Ready to do more? Go paperless! While Osmosis can certainly produce traditional, paper-based PDF assessment packages, there is power beyond paper. Our fully digitized assessment packages give your assessors the power to do more, and your organization the power to see more. Check out Osmosis.
Step 4: Remediation
Time to close the loop! We’ve aligned; we’ve assessed and now we know what we didn’t know before. Where are our strengths? More importantly, where can we improve? This is where the Axis competency process takes into account available training resources and maps them to any gaps found during the assessment process.
Do you have several operators struggling to identify certain, abnormal operating conditions on a reciprocating compressor? Osmosis will tell you. Osmosis will tell you if that’s your greatest need. Osmosis will very clearly identify where you should invest your training dollars to get the biggest impact for the lowest cost. This is the reporting power behind granular data capture. This is the Axis approach to competency management.